Agreement Pertaining to Business Operations, ADJA Mailing Lists, and Dispute Resolution

This application is subject to the acceptance of the American Disc Jockey Association. When the application is accepted, the ADJA will send a member packet to you in the mail. If the application is not accepted, you will receive an email declination notice and a full refund of any money paid for membership dues. As a condition for granting my membership, I agree to operate my business according to the policies, rules, and procedures of the ADJA so long as I am a Member. I will not use or provide anyone with ADJA mail or email address lists for mass mailings or unsolicited communications.

I further understand that by being a member that I will receive emails, texts, and calls from or on behalf of ADJA informing me of my membership benefits, renewals or other such communication the ADJA sees fit to transmit to me. It is further understood and agreed that I will NOT report said emails or communications to any organizations or body such as ISP's, blacklists or other such lists which would impact ADJA's ability to reach me or other members. This provision will survive the expiration or termination of membership.  

I understand that only Members in Good Standing are entitled to display the Official Logo and use the Name of the Association on their business cards, letterhead, advertisements, publications, web sites, contracts, and forms. I agree to cease display and use of the Official Logo and Name of the Association (including materials containing the Official Logo and/or the Name of the Association) when my membership in the Association expires, or is suspended or terminated. I further understand that failure to do so may result in prosecution for violation of the Millennium Digital Copyright Act, the Lanham Trademark Act, and other applicable state and federal laws. 

I further agree that any and all claims and disputes that I have with the ADJA (or involving other Members, National Directors, National or Local Officers, employees, agents or contractors of the ADJA) will be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the ADJA Constitution and Bylaws (as amended). I also agree that any legal actions I may have against the ADJA not in arbitration will be brought exclusively in a court in the state of Arizona. This provision will survive the expiration or termination of membership. 

Automatic Membership Renewal: So that you may avoid any lapses in member benefits or group insurance eligibility, the ADJA provides you with a simple and convenient renewal program. Your membership will be automatically renewed via your credit card or upon receipt of your dues each year, unless you notify us otherwise. A renewal notice will be sent to you one month before your membership expires. Please contact the ADJA National office in writing at if you do not wish to be auto renewed at least 30 days prior to your renewal.